
Govt. Polytechnic, Malab (Nuh) has been set up from the academic session 2017-18 with four courses viz. Diploma in Computer Engineering,Diploma in Mechanical Engineering,Diploma in Mechanical Engineering(Refrigeration & Air Conditioning),Diploma in Automobile Engineering with sanctioned intake of 60 students in each stream.

At present, the institute is running a total of 4 nos. of diploma courses, which are:

  1. CIVIL ENGG.  with intake 60
  2. COMPUTER ENGG. with intake 60
  3. MECHANICAL ENGG. with intake 120
  4. AUTOMOBILE ENGG. with intake 60
  5. D. Pharmacy with intake 60

The polytechnic has been functioning under the society mode. The society in the name and style of “Government Polytechnic Education Society Malab, Nuh” was got registered under Society Act 1860 through District Registrar of Firms & Societies, Nuh.